Get Started: Summer Workout Program


By Danielle Donovan, Founder of cheerFIT

Note: This is a guest post from my friend Danielle of cheerFIT, the trainer for cheerleaders. Enjoy her tips on keeping your team in shape for the summer!  

It is no secret -the sport of cheerleading is advancing.   What once went from a being an activity whose primary role was to support other teams is now a sport that now claims the most elite level of athleticism. Cheerleaders are athletes who require an exception amount of skill and strength to stunt, tumble and go full out.     Cheerleading is advancing and so must our fitness game. Sure, we all know fitness is important (I get that), but there’s nothing more intimidating than typing ‘workout plans’ into Google and coming up with hundreds of thousands of exercises to pick from. Where do you start?   How many reps and sets for each exercise? How do you know what exercises are effective? And for cheerleading?? Are there specific exercises to help advance stunting, improve tumbling, and increase flexibility? Oh, and between work, family, life, practicing, and coaching – when do you have time to come up with a weekly fitness plan?   But don’t worry, I am here to help you sort through the clutter and break down the key essentials in every great cheer workout plan. And with summer around the corner, now is the perfect time to turn practice mode into workout time!


Do you want improve stunting, tumbling, endurance …what goal is it that you want to reach?   For stunting – you need to focus a lot on core strength (for all), body control (for flyers), quad and lower back strength (for bases), and shoulder and upper body strength (for backs).   Here is a great total body exercise that benefits everyone. *complete 10 reps and repeat 3 times But for those who really want a goal specific workout plan for their team, check this out and score on our special discount!  


 The #1 secret to any great workout, is to stick to a schedule! Literally sit there and write your workout into your calendar, create an alert and schedule it into your day (like any other appointment). Here is a free sample plan for you and your team.


Another crucial component of any fitness plan is to stay accountable and on track with your workouts. Sometimes, we all just need a little boost here and there (even cheerleaders)!   And I’m here to help. You see, as a fitness expert for cheerleaders I know how important it is to stay motivated, supported and encouraged - some of the exact features I included in the cheerFIT programs! 

Each workout plan is complete with weekly check-ins with your team’s dedicated cheer fitness trainer and access to our cheerFIT community – an online network and go-to resource to be supported, motivated and encouraged.   

Even better, as a CCA fan, we have a very special promotion for you! Because we are so excited to help you and your team get started on a summer fitness plan, we are offering 10% off the entire cheerFIT membership!   It’s the perfect time to start your summer workout plan, so let’s get started shall we? Click here to learn more.   

Enjoy the workout!   

Your Cheer Fitness Trainer, Danielle Donovan


50% Complete

Two Step

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