Your Virtual Holiday Party!

Wherever you are in the USA or the world, the COVID-19 restrictions are different from place to place.  For many, virtual practices are likely the only way you can meet.

If you are in a place where you need to have virtual practices, consider having a virtual holiday party!!!  I just did this with my team and it was a huge success!

Secret Santa

Assign Secret Santas. You can easily do this at Set a price limit and have your team send out a list of their favorite things so their Secret Santa knows what they can buy them! Wish lists can also be created on Sneaky Santa. Before the party, have them drop it off on their doorstep or at a location at the school if possible.  You can begin your party opening the gifts and then guess who their Secret Santa was.  

Name that Christmas Movie Line

Everyone loves a good classic Christmas movie.  So many of them have such memorable lines.  Be sure to download the worksheet and the answer key.  Email the worksheet to your team, or you can do a screen share of the worksheet. Give the team five to seven minutes to fill it out.  Remind them that they cannot Google the answers! Once they are finished, read each line and have them call out the answer. They will grade their paper at the same time.  Whoever has the most answers correct, wins! 

Download the worksheet and answer key here!

Unique or Special Ornament

Have your team each share a unique or special ornament with the team. Be sure to let them know to bring the ornament with them so you don’t have to wait for them to find one to share.  Encourage them to share one that has a special story or meaning. Once each have shared, have them hold them up and everyone can vote on the best ornament in the chat.  The one with the most votes, wins! 

Scavenger Hunt

Close out the party with a scavenger hunt!  When you name an item, the team needs to go find it in their house.  The first one back gets a point. The person with the most points wins! Feel free to add other items.  If no one has an item, just move on to the next one. 

  1. An ornament that is blue
  2. Elf on the Shelf
  3. Fruit Cake
  4. Rudolph
  5. Gingerbread man or house
  6. Christmas M&M’s
  7. Picture of you on Santa’s lap
  8. Eggnog
  9. Candy Cane
  10. A wrapped present

Picture Time

Be sure to take a picture of your team.  We took one with us smiling, heel stretches and a goofy one!  

Just because you cannot meet in person, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun virtual party! Have fun and happy team bonding!



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