Easy Ways to Build Points at Competitions

The following are some easy ways you can improve you score at competitions.  Be sure to watch the video below for further explanation.

1. Spend time on the Cheer

There is no reason why you shouldn’t score high on the cheer section, no matter what your difficulty level is, especially if you are competing on a UCA-style scoresheet.  A well executed, crowd-leading cheer incorporating signs, poms, and megaphones will score you well.

2. Improve Cheer Voices

Loud voices builds confidence in your team and projects confidence to the judges.

  • Make sure the entire team is yelling the cheer as loud as they can from their diaphragm. Have your choir teacher come into practice and teach them to breathe properly so they can have the loudest voices possible without causing strain on their voices.
  • The cheer should be yelled every time, even if they are not tumbling, jumping or stunting.
  • The team should focus on yelling louder during transitions.
  • Yell your cheer while you condition, so your team can practice yelling when they are tired.

 3. Perfect your Signs

  • All signs are hit as sharp as motions should be.
  • Signs should flip the same way.
  • Make sure the letters and words can be clearly seen the way the cheerleader is holding them.

4. Work the Transitions

Smooth transitions make a big difference in watching the routine.

  • All formations should flow from one spot to another.
  • Arms are pinned by their sides.
  • Get to the formation.
  • Quickly transition regardless of how much time the cheerleader has to get there.

5. Clean up Stunts

While improving stunting difficultly will improve your score, make sure your current stunts are clean and being executed with perfection before you add difficulty.

  • Clean, sharp, and creative entry.
  • Hit arms and legs sharp.
  • Clean up the dismount – catch high and tight, set the flyer out sharp, clean up the end.

Do you want feedback on your competition routine?  Send it to CCA for Virtual Coaching! Find out more here: https://www.cheercoachacademy.com/virtual-coaching


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