Do you want to take your stunting to the next level?

Join Coach Gina Harris, Founder of Cheer Coach Academy for a free webinar:

12 Ways to Escalate your Stunts


Check out what other coaches have said:

"Thank thank you thank you thank you! I truly enjoy learning from you and implementing my new skills to my team. I have my new team and we had our first practice yesterday. It was extremely successful, the team acknowledged how they liked what they learned, and this is all because of me following your tips. I can't wait to go to Stunt School. I will sign up soon! "

Coach Nancy
Quincy, MA

"Thank you so much for all of these stunting tips!! They all were so helpful! Iā€™m excited to implement these into my practices."

Coach Kenita
Charlotte, NC

This webinar is FREE and you will have unlimited access to it after watching.


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